Senseless - Adam Smith “Look, No Touchy” - 9.29.24

Keep your hands to yourself. We’re all told this at a young age. Because kids are touchy. Initially, we ignore these instructions. That is—until a stove burns us, a thorn pricks us, or another kid hits us.

Too much touch is a problem, but so is too little. Humans with no physical connections emotionally shut down.

In Scripture we see a faith that’s every bit as natural as is supernatural. God came to us in a physical body, ate & drank with us, worked & walked among us, and suffered & died for us. He could’ve remained at a distance but chose to come touch-ably close. Why? In a digital age where everything can be done online through an app, how could connecting to our bodies, tangible experiences, and physical objects—shift our understanding of spirituality?

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Senseless - Adam Smith “An Explosion of Flavor” - 9.22.24

We all have foods we like and foods we hate. You’ve gotten into arguments about it before. There are certain meals you’d save up and drive across the country for. And there are other things you still wouldn’t eat even if you were starving. We’re obsessed with food. And so is Scripture. There’s so much talk of eating in the Bible—lists of foods you can’t have; of feasts you should throw; and fasts you should commit to. God rains bread from heaven. Jesus turns water into wine. A bite of an apple ruins the world. And before Christ went to the cross,
He insisted on inviting his friends over for one last supper. What is all this about? It’s got to be something more than just nutrients. Why does what, where, how, and with whom we eat carry so much relational and spiritual significance?

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Senseless - Adam Smith “Smells Like Teen Spirit” - 9.15.2

Ever been really excited to walk into a restaurant because of how good it smelled? Ever refused to walk into a public restroom because of how bad it smelled? Smells are signals. But they don’t just tell us what we’re about to walk into. They remind us of where we’ve come from and what we’ve been through. Almost every time Scripture prescribes a spiritual practice, it’s accompanied by a scent. There are all sorts of elaborate descriptions of fragrant oils & perfumes, and burning incense & animal fat. Why does God seem to care so much about this? And what can we learn from His reasoning? How might the scents we surround ourselves with shift our experiences and solidify our memories?

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Senseless - Adam Smith “I Heard That!” - 9.8.24

Ever been so distracted by the coffee shop conversations around you that you couldn’t think straight? Ever gotten so sucked into the energy of a loud crowd that it changed your mood? Ever decided you couldn’t be friends with someone when you found out what kind of music they liked? Maybe you can’t fall asleep without the gentle buzz of a fan by your side. Or maybe you didn’t notice the weird noise your car was making because you’re never not listening to a podcast. We’re surrounded by sound, but that doesn’t mean we hear it all. What might you be missing? Jesus famously said, “They that have ears should hear.” Sounds obvious. But He’s implying we ought to be listening for something specific. What? How can being more intentional about WHAT we hear change WHO we are for the better?

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Senseless - Adam Smith “Sight Gags” - 9.1.24

Ever look right at something but not see it? Maybe you didn’t know what you were looking at. Maybe you just couldn’t focus. Maybe your eyes were on it, but your mind was somewhere else. Ever looked at the same thing as someone else but saw something totally different? How we look at things changes what we see, and what we see changes what we do. So, the question is—What might you be missing? Scripture talks a lot about light, sight, visions, and blindness. How might taking its advice seriously open our eyes both physically & spiritually?

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The Thing Behind The Thing - Adam Smith “Stupid Chores & Sassy Prophets” - 8.25.24

Are you filled with ideas, dreams, and desire to make a lasting impact, but instead of making moves you’re stuck in your own head? Maybe you’re caught up in a daily grind that feels directionless or you’re exhausted because you can’t say no to opportunities that make you feel significant. Constantly searching for the right path or the perfect calling is a prime way to miss the good thing that’s right in front of you. Perhaps the secret to leaving a legacy is less about getting stuff done and more about finding joy in each day.

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The Thing Behind The Thing - Adam Smith “I Can Do Better” - 8.18.24

Are you your own worst critic? Constantly devaluing your own thoughts, words, and actions to avoid judgement and shame. Do you habitually compare yourself to others without even realizing? You probably have a knack for spotting untapped potential and value in others, but are you giving yourself the same opportunity to grow and evolve? Instead of striving for perfectionism, it’s times to consider that sharing your weaknesses without fear is your greatest opportunity for self-love.

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The Thing Behind The Thing - Adam Smith “It’s Just A Game” - 8.11.24

Do you ever feel like you’re helping everyone around you win, but you can’t ever seem to measure up? You work hard, achieve countless goals, and exude confidence, but deep down you wonder if people really see your talents and accomplishments. Maybe you grew up in a household where love felt like a prize to be won, and failure was a curse word. You might fear that all your sacrifices will never amount to something significant. But have you considered that true success might be less about getting the “W”, and more about how you handle the process, no matter the outcome?

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The Thing Behind The Thing - Adam Smith “Picked Last” - 8.4.24

We’ve all had moments where we feel like we don’t belong, but do you catch yourself consistently searching for acceptance? Do you feel alone, surround by people who love you? Are you constantly trying to morph into what you believe others want you to be? Author Brene Brown says, “True belonging doesn’t require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are.” Perhaps it’s time to consider that your “differences” aren’t an inconvenience, but a gift. And sharing them with the people in your life might provide the very closeness you so desire.

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The Thing Behind The Thing - Ozzie Vaca “Do You Even Love Me?” - 7.28.24

You want to make people happy. What’s wrong with that? Sure, when they’re not, you’re nervously convinced it’s probably your fault. Maybe you did something wrong or just didn’t so something right. You find yourself trying to anticipate the needs of others so you can meet them. It’s so obvious to you that everyone wants to be seen, heard and known. Why shouldn’t you do everything you can to make sure that’s true of the people around you? Most of the time you don’t mind, but it is exhausting. And you frequently find yourself over-committing, over-investing, and over-extending yourself. You just wish someone would do for you what you do for everyone else and wonder why they don’t. How do you love people well without feeling used, worn out, and taken advantage of? Is that even realistic? 

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The Thing Behind The Thing - Mariah Wells “Get Your Own“ - 7.21.24

You want to make people happy. What’s wrong with that? Sure, when they’re not, you’re nervously convinced it’s probably your fault. Maybe you did something wrong or just didn’t so something right. You find yourself trying to anticipate the needs of others so you can meet them. It’s so obvious to you that everyone wants to be seen, heard and known. Why shouldn’t you do everything you can to make sure that’s true of the people around you? Most of the time you don’t mind, but it is exhausting. And you frequently find yourself over-committing, over-investing, and over-extending yourself. You just wish someone would do for you what you do for everyone else and wonder why they don’t. How do you love people well without feeling used, worn out, and taken advantage of? Is that even realistic? 

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The Thing Behind The Thing - Adam Smith “Safety First!“ - 7.14.24

All of us have moments of stress, but some of us walk around with an ever-present uneasiness eating away at us. Other people say you’re nervous, but you think of yourself as cautious. There is this part of you that feels like you’ve always got to be on guard. When you walk into a room, your eyes dart around, clocking the exits and anything odd or out of place. You’re sensitive and observant. You like having a plan and hate surprises. But there’s an ocean of anxiety swirling inside you. You often find yourself on autopilot, imagining worst-case scenarios and what you’d do in them. It’s hard for you to rely on other people because they’re not as hypervigilant as you. What do you do with that? Is this just the way it is or is there any way to truly settle into a sense of safety, and learn to lean on the people around you?

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The Thing Behind The Thing - Adam Smith “Nagging Questions“ - 7.7.24

Ever notice that others don’t seem to get worked up or passionate about the same things as you? In fact, if you’re honest, sometimes the oversized reactions you have to certain situations surprise even you. Ever wonder—Where’d that come from? Why did I do that? At times it almost seems like you’re struggling to feel normal in an area everyone else has already figured out. What’s going on there? What if you could actually get an answer? What if you could figure out what’s driving your most impulsive thoughts, feelings, and actions? And what if you could know that for everyone you share life with? We think you can. And the answer is found in identifying your Primal Question.

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Trust Issues - Adam Smith “The Particulars of Cats & People“ - 6.30.24

We all say the same thing to ourselves when we get hurt, “Never again! I’m never going to put myself in this sort of situation or let someone take advantage of me in this way again.” And we mean it. And we stick to it. For a while. But eventually, over time, we look up and are surprised to find ourselves wounded in the same way. How does this happen? We were determined to be selective with our trust this time. We could’ve sworn we were being so vigilant. How did we miss the warning signs and end up repeating the same mistakes? Is it just inevitable,

or is it at all avoidable?

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Trust Issues - Adam Smith “There’s No Coming Back From That“ - 6.23.24

When we count on someone and they take advantage of our trust, the pain can cause us to want to write them off forever. Are there situations where that’s ok? And if it’s not, what then? Are you just supposed to put your head down, ignore your feelings, cross your fingers, and pray it doesn’t happen again? That sounds stupid. And maybe even a bit dangerous. Is it realistic to think you can rebuild trust with someone once it’s been broken?
If it is, how? And how long does it take? And how do you know when it’s done? What if you want to patch things up, but they don’t? What then? Are these questions even answerable?

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Trust Issues - Adam Smith “Broken Axles & Broken Hearts“ - 6.16.24

Obviously, we don’t trust those who’ve proven untrustworthy. But what happens when someone seems to be trustworthy, and you still don’t trust them? You’ve been there, right? No matter what they say or do, you can’t help but brace yourself for the inevitable let down. There’s something wrong with everyone, but what if your inability to trust is the thing that’s wrong with you? Suspicion was the gear you shifted into, to protect yourself at one time, but even though that situation or relationship is over, you can’t seem to shake it. Once you’ve been burned, how do you learn to trust again? Can you? Or are you doomed to always be this defensive?

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Trust Issues - Adam Smith “Tailgate, Skiing & Trust Essentials“ - 6.9.24

We all know what it feels like not to trust someone. But is that all trust is—a feeling?
Where do these feelings even come from? Are they ever wrong? What is it that makes someone trustworthy?
Is it a matter or faith or proof? How transferable is trust? If we trust someone with one thing, does that mean we should trust them with everything? Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to map trust & objectively measure how trustworthy someone is in any given circumstance, including yourself? We think there is. And so does God, it seems.

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Trust Issues - Adam Smith “Trust Me“ - 6.2.24

We’ve all heard someone say, “I don’t trust people.” And they probably have pretty good reasons for it. Maybe when someone says, “Trust me”, there’s part of you that bristles. When someone violates our trust, instead of just seeing them as untrustworthy, we can assume—maybe everyone is untrustworthy. We become suspicious of the motives & actions of everyone around us. Which is understandable, but not all that functional. Life requires trust because it involves other people—they prepare our food, handle our money, and build our freeways. Without trust we’d live alone in a bunker. The question is—why did God make us so dependent on one another? And why is making an effort to try and trust again ultimately worth it?

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God’s Got Questions - Adam Smith “I’m Sure of It“ - 5.26.24

Ever wonder why other people just don’t get it? The truth is so obvious. And you know what you’re talking about. You’ve looked into it. You’ve done the research. You’ve analyzed what’s out there. And you’re pretty sure you see things clearly. Why can’t everybody else just get on board? It’s up to you to show them where they’re wrong and tell them how to make things right. Have you gotten a little heated, aggressive, condescending at times? Sure. But it’s ok. You’re right. The truth hurts and it’s supposed to.

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God’s Got Questions - Adam Smith “Hey, While You’re Up“ - 5.19.24

Ever had an issue you just couldn’t seem to escape? Maybe it was a bad habit, negative thought process, destructive impulse, or unhealthy relationship pattern. Whatever it is, you don’t like that you do it. At times you thought you were over it, but reluctantly crawled back to it. Is this just the way you are? Is there nothing you can do? Are there other options or are you doomed to stay stuck?

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