Noise Canceling - Week 3 - Adam Smith “Tellers, Teachers & The Voice Next Door“ - 7.16.23

If you’ve ever visited a place where you don’t speak the language, having a reliable interpreter is a lifesaver. You need someone to translate what’s being said into words you can understand.
But everyone’s who’s gotten a message through an interpreter has also wondered, “Is that really what the other person said?” Trusting someone to translate takes a lot of faith—because what if they get it wrong?
Then their mistake becomes your mistake. And what if they’re translating for God? Ever had someone tell you what God wants you to do and wondered, “How would they know?” How do you tell the difference between someone pushing their own agenda and someone trying to help you hear God’s voice for yourself?

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Noise Canceling - Week 2 - Adam Smith “That’s Our Song“ - 7.9.23

Some people say the Bible is the ‘Word of God’; like it’s somehow His way of speaking to us. But it wasn’t written to us. It was written to people who lived a really long time ago, in another part of the world, and spoke different languages. And yet, some people read this ancient book and say things like, “that spoke to me” or “that was just for me”. What does that mean? How does God use all these old stories and sayings to guide us through our current situations? Does God say specific things to specific people through Scripture? Or is everyone just seeing what they want to see to justify doing whatever they want to do?

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Noise Canceling - Week 1 - Adam Smith “On Good Authority“ - 7.2.23

We all know stories or have seen documentaries about people who claim to have heard from God. Most of them weren’t just convinced God wanted them to know something, but DO something, and the ‘somethings’ are all over the place—adopt a baby, launch a non-profit, fight an addiction, pass a law, start a commune, or bomb a building. Most of us have our fair share of suspicion. Did God really tell these people to do these things? That can’t be true. But I guess it’s possible he said something to some of them. After all, the bible has stories about people hearing from God. How do you know if something is from God or not?

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Four Short Words - Week 4 - Adam Smith “Rerouting…“- 6.25.23

Everyone eventually asks themselves, “What do I do with my life?” And a lot of the cultural answers to this question don’t end up being all that satisfying. We all know people who have made lots of money, acquired lots of power, and had lots of sex, but feel hollow and unhappy. It turns out, humans aren’t content to simply be alive, we want something to live for. The obvious Christian answer might be, “Just live for God.” But, how? What does that mean? How do I channel who I am and how I’m wired into something that matters? Do you ever wish you could have something inside you that would lead and guide you to do what’s ultimately best for you? Interestingly, God had that very same idea. Everything after the Gospels in the New Testament is the story of God enlightening and empowering us to discover our true selves and partner with one another to bring heaven to earth. So, what was this big idea and how exactly is it supposed to work?

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Four Short Words - Week 3 - Adam Smith “From FaceTime to Face Time “- 6.18.23

There are few things as painful as feeling like nobody gets you and there’s no one you can turn to. We are meant and made for relationships—with each other and with God. The people part can be difficult but is somewhat intuitive. But a lot of us don’t think of God as relational. And to be fair, through most of human history, He wasn’t. For the most part, people didn’t walk and talk with God. They connected with Him from a distance by carrying out various rules and rituals. God was present but not close, real but not relatable. That is until God picked a point in history and inserted himself into humanity. God closed the gap between us, not just by coming near to us, but by becoming one of us. And this mind-blowing move changed everything about everything…forever. This is the story of the Gospels, and it reframes everything that came before. But what exactly does that mean for us and our everyday lives?

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Four Short Words - Week 2 - Guest Speaker: Sam Manlstadt - 6.11.23

Ever felt like there was something between you and someone else? Like something was off between you. Maybe you weren’t even sure what it was, but it was clear there was something there. Almost every relationship has these moments. But it wasn’t meant to be that way. Something happened in the story of humanity that got between us and each other, us and God, us and ourselves, God and His creation. Something went off course. Something got in the way. And our entire existence afterward has revolved around us trying to work through it or work around it. This is what the Old Testament is about. And when we see it through this lens, it reveals why so much of our lives and our world doesn’t work the way it should. The question is, what do we do about it?

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Four Short Words - Week 1 - Adam Smith “The Four OF’s” - 6.4.23

Knowing where you came from brings into focus who you really are and how you got that way. Our culture is interested in this, maybe more than ever. When we meet people, we impulsively ask them where they’re from. We love movies that revolve around the origin story of a character. We map our family trees. We ship our spit off to companies to tell us the ancestry of our genetic code. When you open the Bible, the beginning of Scripture is about how we began. It’s our origin story. But maybe not in the way you might think. What does this ancient piece of poetry that opens the story of us and God tell us about the bigger picture of who we are and what we’re made for?

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Rules of Resilience - Week 4 - Adam Smith “You Got This!” - 5.28.23

We’ve all seen stories of people doing things we thought were impossible. They made a massive change, turned their lives around, overcame an addiction, or overturned an entire industry. The reason we’re in awe of these people is that most seem to come from humble beginnings. We’re not impressed that they did something they ought to be able to do, we’re impressed they did something we weren’t sure anyone could do. What’s truly unbelievable is some people do it more than once. Are these just special people? Or do they know something we don’t? Can anyone become better, stronger, and more successful in any area or is that just an American myth? How are those with multiple successes doing it?

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Rules of Resilience - Week 3 - Adam Smith “Brain Board” - 5.21.23

How can two people with similar skill sets look at the same situation and come to vastly different conclusions? It would make sense that both would have the same shot at success. But we’ve all seen prepared people fail, and those nobody would bet on succeed. Is it pure luck? Is it circumstantial? Or is there something happening on the inside of them that’s influencing what’s happening on the outside of them. We’re told that the mind is pretty powerful. Is that just something people say? How much does outlook effect outcomes? How much are our experiences impacted by our expectations? And if so, can you change yours?

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Rules of Resilience - Week 2 - Adam Smith “Hot Sauce House” - 5.14.23

The plot of most inspirational stories boils down to someone with everything stacked against them, who, through sheer will and determination, conquer seemingly insurmountable odds & rise to the top. We love the self-made success story. There’s just one catch: that’s not really how it works. Noone who survives, overcomes, or achieves anything unbelievable does so by themselves. We’re social creatures, significantly shaped by our surroundings. Could what’s holding you back be more of a “who” than a “what”? How much do the people you do life alongside determine what kind of life you end up living?

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Rules of Resilience - Week 1 - Adam Smith “Inspo” - 5.7.23

When there’s something we can’t seem to make ourselves do or stick to, we assume it’s because we lack inspiration. We go on the hunt for an uplifting story, an encouraging word, or motivational quote to get us going. But all of us have things we feel inspired to do but never quite get around to. Is it that we don’t want it bad enough, aren’t focused, or don’t quite see its significance? But some of what we’d argue is most important, we still can’t seem to prioritize. So, what’s the problem? Is it that we need more or different inspiration? Is that we need a better, more compelling “why”? Or is there another ingredient we might be missing? What are successful people not telling us? Is there a magic recipe for resilience? If so, what is it?

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Not Interested - Week 3 - Adam Smith “I Don’t Think It’s Working” - 4.30.23

Almost everyone’s heard the statement, “God is love.” If that’s true, why do so many of His followers seem so unloving? How important is it to reflect the god you believe in? Are most Christians just hypocrites, or are they a reflection of who they think God is—condescending, self-protecting, and punishing? Is Christianity about you living a certain way or you getting everyone else to live a certain way? Some people say becoming a Christian changes everything. Does it? How? Are Christians supposed to live like Jesus or is it more about praying a prayer to get into heaven? How does trust in Jesus affect how you treat other people? Should it?

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Not Interested - Week 2 - Adam Smith “Smile & Nod” - 4.23.23

Christians are nice enough, as long as you fall in line, fit the mold, and don’t ask too many questions. But if you have your doubts or disagree with someone in authority, you’re out. Does having faith mean playing along with everything you’re told & keeping your mouth shut? Is God as annoyed with our lack of certainty as other Christians seem to be? Is what you say you believe more important than how you behave? Is it possible for a thriving spiritual community to be full of people who aren’t on the same page?

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Not Interested - Week 1 - Adam Smith “MISQUOTED” - 4.16.23

Christians have a reputation for getting cornered by a logical argument, responding by quoting a cryptic Bible verse, and then celebrating as if they won the fight. Is that what the Bible’s for? Is quoting Scripture some sort of untouchable trump card? Are there certain situations where ancient instructions don’t make sense in our modern context? If so, which ones? Are we even allowed to ask that question? How did Jesus treat Scripture? And as His followers, how should we read it and what are we supposed to do with it?

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Easter Sunday - Adam Smith “Walking Away And Turning Around” - 4.9.23

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Good Friday - Adam Smith "Songs of Lament & Shards of Light" - 4.7.23

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Palm Sunday - Adam Smith “How’d You End Up At The Parade?” - 4.2.23

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Economic Atheist - Week 4 - Adam Smith “The Ballad of MC Hammer” - 3.26.23

We get that it’s a good thing to be a giver. Maybe generosity is even a goal of yours. But where do you draw what lines? If you gave everything away—you’d end up naked and penniless, living on the streets. That can’t be what God wants. You don’t want to be a miser either. How do you know what to give and what to keep? There are needs and needy people everywhere. What do you say YES and NO to? How do you use what you’ve got wisely, not wastefully? How do you pursue selflessness without starving? Will you eventually just arrive at a certain sweet spot, or is this an area you’re going to have to constantly wrestle with?

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Economic Atheist - Week 3 - Guest Speaker: Moses Camacho - 3.19.23

Most of us view ourselves as relatively ethical people, especially those of us who call ourselves Christians. I mean—we don’t deliberately do anything that bad. And yet, all through Scripture—God’s desire doesn’t seem to be to just get us to avoid doing the wrong things, but to proactively do the right things. He tells us that not doing a good thing we know we ought to do is sin. Then he goes as far as saying not giving regularly is the equivalent of stealing—which sounds sort of shocking. Was he serious? What did he mean by that? What would you do if you suddenly realized you’d stolen something unintentionally? What if you’d done it more than once?  

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Economic Atheist - Week 2 - Adam Smith “But It’s Saturday” - 3.12.23

Part of growing up is getting a job. Everyone’s eventually got to think about how they’re going to make money. You’ve got to pay rent and buy groceries, clothes, and a car. Then there’s insurance, utilities, subscriptions, and shampoo. And savings, obviously. If there’s anything left after, you can finally have a little fun—a vacation, an upgrade, dessert. The more you make, the more you get to move from simply meeting your NEEDS to grabbing hold of your WANTS. And that’s what we’re all working for. Is that enough though? Is getting what you want all there is? Does is work? Is it fulfilling? What else is there? What does God have to say about the point of making money and do we really care?

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