Economic Atheist - Week 1 - Guest Speaker: Jeff Fernandez - 3.5.23

If you were to ask all your neighbors for the first thing they think of when they hear the word “Christian”, how much you want to bet “hypocrite” comes up more than once? That stings a bit.
But is it an incorrect assessment? And if it is, are you contributing to or countering it? A lot of people call themselves Christians, but how many actually live like one? What does it mean to fully follow Christ?
Which of his instructions—on everything from ethics to economics—are we tempted not to take seriously? And what’s the cost of doing so—for us, our families, and our communities? 

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First Comes Love - Week 4 - Adam Smith “Cribs & Cruise Ships” - 2.26.23

Kids complicate relationships. Some of us aren’t sure we want to have them. Some of us accidentally had them. Some of us inherited them. Some of us are absolutely obsessed with them. Maybe you thought you met the love of your life, but then you had a kid. You don’t want to say you love them more, but you definitely love them differently. You’d sacrifice anything for them. And you have. Including your health, your sense of self, and every ounce of romance remaining in your relationship. Is that just how it works? Or are we doing it wrong?

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First Comes Love - Week 3 - Adam Smith “Account Overdrawn” - 2.19.23

Falling in love with someone is the easy part. Learning to live with someone is the hard part. All romance starts with a spark of chemistry, but over time, some couples really complement one another, and others seem to want to kill each other. Is it just dumb luck? What separates those that crumble after seven months from those who end up celebrating seventy years? It’s either a complete fluke or they’ve figured something out. And since nobody looks forward to starting over again, what could we learn from them?

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First Comes Love - Week 2 - Adam Smith “Long Lines & Love Lives” - 2.12.23

Like it or not, relationships define us. But it’s in different ways for different people. Some of us are preoccupied with finding our person. Some of us are wondering if the person we’re with is worth staying with. And others of us are actively trying to avoid being pinned down by anyone. What we all do have in common is we don’t want to do life alone or be stuck in a bad relationship. But are you being unrealistic? Does what you want even exist? And if it does, how do you find it? How do you know when you’ve found it? And how do you hang on to it once you have?

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First Comes Love - Week 1 - Adam Smith “Doing It” - 2.5.23

Sex has never been more openly talked about or easily accessible. We’ve got apps for hook ups, websites designed to help us have affairs, and endless pornography at our fingertips. Plus, sex is dripping from our music and movies; cleaver ads and clickbait articles. Words like “thirsty” “ghosted” & “cuffing” are all part of our cultural vocabulary. And yet, for as free as we all seem to be, fewer people report having and enjoying sex than ever before. How can that be? What do we all need to do to have more and better sex?

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Safe Distance - Week 4 - Adam Smith “Let’s Hang Out; Leave Me Alone” - 1.29.23

Ever known someone who was almost impossible to read—one minute you’re best friends, and the next they won’t even return a text? It was hard to tell if they wanted to hang out or not. They’d excitedly make plans. Then randomly break plans. No one’s ever made you feel more special and then instantly unsure of yourself. They’d pull you close and then immediately push you away. Maybe you’ve been told you’re like this. You hate being alone, but it’s hard to shake the sense that you’re too damaged, annoying, and in the way to experience anything but rejection. Are comfortable, stable connections even possible for you, or is every relationship an unpredictable roller coaster?

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Safe Distance - Week 3 - Adam Smith “Don’t Be So Dramatic” - 1.22.23

Ever been around someone who came off a little calloused? They were focused and reliable, but you could never seem to get below the surface. You think they liked you. They never told you, but they did a lot for you. In fact, they never really slowed down. They always struck you as strong and confident. Sometimes you imagine they don’t need anything or anyone. You’ve joked, “It’s like being friends with a robot.” Maybe you’re a little bit like this. You like sharing life with people as long as you don’t have to share your feelings with them. Something about that just doesn’t seem safe. But are you missing something by never fully revealing what’s going on inside you to those around you? What might happen if you did?

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Safe Distance - Week 2 - Adam Smith “We Ok?” - 1.15.23

Ever been in a relationship with someone who came off a little clingy—always needing to know where you were, what you were doing, what you were thinking, how you were feeling? They seemed to read into every look, gesture, text, and conversation. They clearly cared about you, but always acted as if they were afraid to hurt, frustrate, or lose you. Maybe you’re this person. How do we end up this way? Is it possible to trade your relational anxiety for a sense of confidence in the midst of closeness?

Safe Distance - Week 1 - Adam Smith “Brace Yourself” - 1.8.23

Ever struck by how confident, connected, & comfortable certain people seem, and think to yourself, “That’s not how my life & relationships feel at all. Are they really as close & happy as they appear, or is it all for show? And if they are, why aren’t I?” Is there something wrong with you? And if so, what & why? Are you destined to live a life of disconnection, or can you experience the closeness you crave?

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Christmas at South Hills - Week 4 - Adam Smith “Hidden Hallmark Wisdom” - 12.25.22

There’s a difference between looking at a picture the Mona Lisa and standing in the Louvre alongside others. There’s a difference between a video of a meteor shower on youtube and looking up at the night sky to experience it yourself. There’s a difference between reading about travel and getting on a plane. Nothing can be truly known through observation, only through participation. The magi knew the Messiah was born, but they wanted to experience it. Similarly, everyone observes Christmas, but how are you participating in the Christmas

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Christmas at South Hills - Christmas Eve - 12.24.22

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Christmas at South Hills - Week 3 - Adam Smith “Bad News With A Bow On It” - 12.18.22

Myrrh was from a plant that had various uses, but primary ones were for healing wounds and embalming the dead. While this may seem like an odd baby gift, it was symbolic of the role Jesus would play as a prophet who would say and do things that would create tension – ultimately leading to his death. Jesus’ actions, teachings, and way of living always stirred up controversy, because he gave voice to the silenced, healing to the sick, valued the outcast, and challenged the comfortable. The gift of myrrh was an ancient way of saying; “buckle up – it’s going to be a bumpy ride.”

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Christmas at South Hills - Week 2 - Adam Smith “A Go-Between” - 12.11.22

Frankincense was burned as incense in a temple, a way to shield the priest from the direct presence of God. When the magi gave this gift, it was symbolic of Jesus becoming our High Priest; no longer a distant human surrounded by ritual and untouchable by the masses, but a baby, born in a manger and surrounded by both family and strangers alike. Through the vulnerability of Christ, we can be fully vulnerable in our relationship with God.

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Christmas at South Hills - Week 1 - Adam Smith “Golden Birthday” - 12.4.22

Gold has always been linked to royalty; the ultimate symbol of kings. So when the Magi brought gold to honor Jesus, they were proclaiming him king. King Herod was “disturbed” when he heard about this newborn king of the Jews, and Matthew tells us that all Jerusalem was disturbed also. Herod was paranoid about anyone taking power from him or challenging his throne, but he couldn’t even begin to imagine that Jesus was not only king of the Jews, but ultimately the King of Kings. While we can all agree that Herod was evil in many ways, he was right in understanding that the arrival of this new King would change everything.

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Blessed - Week 4 - Adam Smith “Financially Fickle” - 11.27.22

Like it or not, the way we approach money is way more emotional than it is logical. A lot
of our budgeting is an attempt to access one feeling or avoiding another. We think—“If I lease this, I’ll look good.”
"If I save that, I’ll feel secure.” “If I invest here, I’ll have influence.” We don’t all have the same impulses, but we are
motivated by the same mechanism: fear. We’re afraid if we took advice from God about money, He’d eventually
ask us to give in ways that threaten our sense of security. And He probably will. So why would listening be worth it?

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Blessed - Week 3 - Adam Smith “Hand-Me-Downs” - 11.20.22

Ever looked at something someone bought & thought—I would never pay that for that! Different people value things differently. So, why do you spend the way you do on what you do? Most of us use
our resources to reinforce our identity. We put money into what we think will help us be (or at least be seen as)
who we want to be. And while it’s fine to aim our finances in different directions, all spending isn’t equally satisfying. Jesus told his followers to leverage their resources in ways that maximized fulfillment & minimized regret. But how?

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Blessed - Week 2 - Guest Speaker: Nate Cummings “Chaos, Order, & Extra Bolts” - 11.13.22

We all develop various rhythms & routines to hold our lives together. Some we design, others happen by default. In short—We all have certain things we do a certain way. A lot of things just work better when you do them in particular order—like putting on socks BEFORE shoes, or buying a house BEFORE you move in. These things seem ridiculously obvious (to most of us). And the reason the Universe is like this is that God is like this. And that brings up a pretty important question: Could the reason we don’t feel blessed be because we’re living our lives or organizing our resources in the wrong order? And if so, what do we do about it?

Blessed - Week 1 - Adam Smith “Hashtag Blessed” - 11.6.22

What pops into your head when you hear the word “blessed”? Maybe a social media post of someone enjoying something expensive or exclusive? Is that the best Biblical definition? When Jesus spoke about being blessed, he outlined circumstances & scenarios most of us actively avoid. He acted as if it had less to do with how much you have than how well you live. What did He mean by that?

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Family Month - Week 5 - Adam Smith “We Do This All The Time” - 10.30.22

Ever suddenly realize someone in your family doesn’t share your core values? You thought everyone was on the same page, but it turns out, you weren’t. Or maybe you got this vision of the kind of family you want to be—so you share it with them & set goals & everyone nods in agreement, but as time drags on,
nothing really changes. Why is that? Why do our default settings consistently overpower our dreams? How do we move from WHERE we are toward WHO we want to be—together? Is it possible to change your family dynamics?