Family Month - Week 4 - Guest Speaker: Bryon Bos “It’s Bigger Than You” - 10.23.22

If we throw ourselves into helping our family flourish—we draw out & cultivate the uniqueness of each person, unite around a common vision, schedule first what we value most, and everyone’s soaring toward wholistic health—what else is there? Is there a bigger purpose to family than simply making sure
its members are somewhat emotionally, relationally & financially stable? Does our family have any responsibility to other families, or to our overall community? Does a healthy family have a larger purpose, or is it an end unto itself?

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To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund

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Family Month - Week 3 - Adam Smith “Tell Me Why” - 10.16.22

A lot of our families feel like they’re moving in a million different directions, all at once.

In a noble effort to support each other’s individual interests, goals, and dreams; we shuttle everyone around town, eat on the run, and reshuffle schedules so everyone can go & be & do whatever they want. Which is amazing.

But it invites an interesting question: Is a family about anything more than the individual success & happiness of

its members, or is there a bigger, deeper, broader reason God puts us together? And if there is—What is it?

If you're new with us, or looking to take a next step, or even to let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by texting "WHATSNEXT" to 94000 or visit

To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund

Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: 

To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit


Family Month - Week 2 - Adam Smith “Self-Made” - 10.9.22

We love seeing members of our family succeed. And every family has certain things
they celebrate more than others. In some—it’s excelling in academics or athletics; in others—maybe it’s an entrepreneurial mindset or extroverted personality. It’s great if you fit the mold, but what if you don’t? Ever get
the feeling you’ll never be good at anything your family values? What then? Do you walk away from them &
make your own way? Is that the mark of maturity—not needing anybody? Why would God put YOU with THEM?

If you're new with us, or looking to take a next step, or even to let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by texting "WHATSNEXT" to 94000 or visit

To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund

Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: 

To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit

Family Month - Week 1 - Adam Smith “I Got To Get Away From These People” - 10.2.22

Our family is who we came from. And for a lot of us, it’s also who we’re running from.
We don’t want who they are to limit who we can be. Sometimes the people you expected too have your back feel more like they’re in your way. Family is supposed to love you for you & support whatever you want to do, right?
We think—If I had a good family, they’d make me happy, celebrate me, resource me, and ask nothing of me.
Is that true? What if yours isn’t like that? What is the point of family? Do you have to leave them to find yourself?

The Revolutionary - Week 4 - Adam Smith “It’s Not Pretty” - 9.25.22

If you were to imagine what’s most important to God, beauty probably wouldn’t make the list. Dostoevsky said beauty will save the world. Jesus seemed to agree. What does that mean? Why would Jesus assign so much power & priority to something most of us see as surfacy? Could it be we don’t understand God, or have we incorrectly defined beauty? What if it’s a bit of both? What if beauty can save the world? How would that work?

The Revolutionary - Week 3 - Adam Smith “Breaking The Rules” - 9.18.22

A lot of people think the point of life is to try to be a good person. But what does that mean? Is it about DOING the right things, or BELIEVING the right way? And how do we know what’s right? Jesus argued with people He believed were right, accusing them of not being good. So, they’re not the same? Jesus taught one was more important than the other, the result of which got Him killed and saved the world. What was it?

The Revolutionary - Week 2 - Adam Smith “That Can’t Be Right” - 9.11.22

Most people want to be told the truth. But what does that word even mean anymore? Is it all relative? We heard—Just live YOUR truth. Is there such a thing as THE truth? If so, where does it come from and how do we measure it? Jesus was asked these same questions and His answer is nothing short of astounding.

The Revolutionary - Week 1 - Adam Smith “No More Of This” - 9.4.22

When someone hurts us, our impulse is to get them back. We want to get even because even feels fair. But it doesn’t end up feeling good. In fact, it doesn’t end at all. We get sucked into a never-ending cycle of retaliation. Jesus did His best to give grace to those who treated Him the worst. What made Him think this counter-intuitive strategy would make a difference? And why did He encourage us to do the same?  

Word Play - Week 4 - Adam Smith “Do You Know Who You’re Talking To?” - 8.28.22

The way we approach a conversation transforms what we get out of that conversation. This is true with other people, but it’s also true with God. Most of us passively learn to pray by mimicking the religious figures around us. We can fall into patterns of talking with God that feel formulaic and leave us wondering about their effectiveness. Are there ways of talking with God that are better than others? If so, what are they? 

Word Play - Week 3 - Adam Smith “One-Star Reviews” - 8.21.22

We talk to each other about each other. It’s a natural and normal part of being a social creature. At times it’s helpful to process with someone about how to deal with someone else. At other times, talking about someone becomes a substitute for talking to them. In an effort to avoid conflict, many of us find ourselves talking more behind people’s backs than we do to their face. We attempt to work out our frustrations with everyone but the one they’re with. It rarely works out well. Why do we do this? How do we stop? What other options are there?

Word Play - Week 2 - Guest Speaker: Nate Cummings - 8.14.22

We all develop our own particular way of communicating. We don’t necessarily set out to do it, it just sort of happens. We not only pick up words, phrases, body language, but also tone, volume, and intensity from the people we’re raised by and the circles we run in. The way we say things is as impactful as what it is we’re saying. And different people prefer to be communicated with in different ways. How do we know if we’re communicating in a way that’s working for the people around us? Are they hearing what we’re trying to say, or something else altogether?

Word Play - Week 1 -Adam Smith “Earworm” - 8.7.22

We all develop our own particular way of communicating. We don’t necessarily set out to do it, it just sort of happens. We not only pick up words, phrases, body language, but also tone, volume, and intensity from the people we’re raised by and the circles we run in. The way we say things is as impactful as what it is we’re saying. And different people prefer to be communicated with in different ways. How do we know if we’re communicating in a way that’s working for the people around us? Are they hearing what we’re trying to say, or something else altogether?

Breath, Doves, Clouds & Fire - Week 5 -Adam Smith “Fire Emoji - 7.31.22

The most prominent metaphor for Spirit is probably fire. And there’s reason for that: It’s all over Scripture. Why? When God’s Spirit shows up in the form of fire, where does it happen and what is God doing? What does this image reveal about who the Spirit is and the impact a relationship with Him ought to have on our everyday lives? How might this aspect of God alter the way we face what He places in front of us?