Christmas At South Hills - Thrill of Hope - Adam Smith “Cast as a Coat Rack” - 12.1.24

Ever look at someone else’s life, connections, and resources, and think, “If I had all that, I could really make a difference.”? In other words, you have access to social media, right? It’s not hard to see what’s wrong with the world but setting it right won’t be easy. Our lives, abilities, and bank accounts feel way too small to make a big impact. How do you stay hopeful when it feels like nothing you could ever do would even make a dent?

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Dumpster Fire - Adam Smith “Wrong Team, Wrong Section” - 11.24.24

At least once or twice a year, we all end up around a table with people we might not see all that often. Maybe it’s a holiday, a celebration, a graduation. Part of you probably looks forward to it, and another part of you maybe sort of dreads it because you’re not sure what subjects are going to come up. You’ve seen their Facebook posts. You’ve watched the TikTok’s they share. Some of them know you don’t share their perspective. Others assume you probably do. Either way, you’re not sure you want to get into it. Or maybe you can’t wait for the opportunity to put them in their place. You’re almost obligated to. They need to know how wrong they are. And if you don’t tell them, how will they ever figure it out? Isn’t that your responsibility as a faithful follower of Christ? It feels like your only options are to fight with them or avoid them altogether. Which is better? Or is there a third way?

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Dumpster Fire - Adam Smith “Somebody Should” - 11.17.24

Leading up to an election, there’s all this emphasis on the importance of voting and who you vote for. There’s this sense that if we could just get this person into office, or this party into power, or this policy in place—that would fix everything. And you were a part of it. And now you’re done. Sure, there are things that still are not as they should be. We’re not even talking about halfway around the world, just halfway up your street. But that stuff’s not your problem. You’re one of the good ones—you voted—and posted about voting. You fulfilled God’s purpose for you. What more can you really do? Wait a minute…

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Dumpster Fire - Adam Smith “Bad People & Being Wrong” - 11.3.24

You’ve been there—you thought you knew someone and then you found out WHO or WHAT they voted for. Now you wonder if you completely misjudged them. You thought you had more in common; that they saw the world as clearly as you do. You assumed they were a person of good character, values, & morals. But I guess not. God’s opinions are obvious, aren’t they? How can a person of faith come to completely different conclusions than you? You know YOU’RE not wrong. That must mean they’re not a real Christian. Which is disappointing and confusing because sometimes they seem Christlike. What do we do with these discrepancies?

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Dumpster Fire - Adam Smith “Candidates and Crosses” - 11.3.24

There’s nothing more nerve-wracking than a looming presidential election. You feel the tension everywhere—online debates, attack ads, opinion pieces, and whole lot of warnings about what will inevitably happen if the other side wins. We’re made to feel like the fate of the universe hangs on the outcome of this election. Everywhere you turn, your fear buttons are being pushed, and so are everyone else’s. The trouble is—no one is at their best when they’re afraid. Fear turns us into someone we don’t want to be and gets us to do things we wish we wouldn’t have done. Some of our fears are manufactured or exaggerated, but others are real. So, what’s the wisest thing to do when we’re made to feel afraid?

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Family Month 2024: Magic Words - Adam Smith “Turn That Frown Upside Down” - 10.27.24

Few things are as annoying as entitlement; acting as if you’re owed certain things or are unaware of all the effort that went into getting you what you got. Ever done something for someone who was ungrateful for your effort? Ever given your best to something you didn’t have to do at all, and someone still complained about it. Ever give a little, only to have someone reject it and demand even more. These moments boil our blood. But you’ve done things like this to other people, maybe even without knowing it. In a world that’s always telling us to reach for more, it’s hard to be grateful for what you’ve got. How can we get better at acknowledging and being thankful for everything we have and everything that’s been done for us? And how might being this way change the way we relate to everyone?

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Family Month 2024: Magic Words - Adam Smith “Fake Apologies” - 10.20.24

We all know people who never seem to apologize for anything, and others who apologize for practically everything. Nobody likes those who can’t admit they’re wrong. It’s easy to see them as self-absorbed, arrogant, excuse makers. At the same time, we can’t always tell when we’re wrong. We’re not always aware of how the things we do impact and affect other people. How do we learn to see our actions through other people’s eyes? How do we know what to apologize for and when? Would leaning into “sorry” make us better or just weaker?

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Family Month 2024: Magic Words - Adam Smith “Demands And Doorways” - 10.13.24

Pretty much every kid is told to say, “Please.” But it may have been a while since you’ve heard an adult say it. In our culture, we tend to think of polite people as pushovers. We like stories about confident, charismatic figures who know what they want, demand what they need, and don’t take crap from anybody. Maybe that’s what comes to mind when you think of a strong leader. But it’s not even close to the picture the Bible paints. Which makes sense if you’ve ever been pushed around by someone with a little bit of power. Is it possible to be successful in our world, have healthy relationships, and be people of “please”? Or is that just silly?

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Family Month 2024: Magic Words - Adam Smith “You Better Watch Your Mouth” - 10.6.24

Words carry weight. We know it, but don’t always act like it. We’ve all spent a ton of time carefully crafting the perfect text or email. We’ve all also carelessly said something that came back to haunt us. There are some conversations we wish we could remember, and others we wish we could forget. Certain phrases stick with us forever. They’re part of the reason we are who we are. And what someone else’s words did to you, your words are doing to someone else. What would it look like to be more thoughtful and intentional with what you say?

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Senseless - Adam Smith “Look, No Touchy” - 9.29.24

Keep your hands to yourself. We’re all told this at a young age. Because kids are touchy. Initially, we ignore these instructions. That is—until a stove burns us, a thorn pricks us, or another kid hits us.

Too much touch is a problem, but so is too little. Humans with no physical connections emotionally shut down.

In Scripture we see a faith that’s every bit as natural as is supernatural. God came to us in a physical body, ate & drank with us, worked & walked among us, and suffered & died for us. He could’ve remained at a distance but chose to come touch-ably close. Why? In a digital age where everything can be done online through an app, how could connecting to our bodies, tangible experiences, and physical objects—shift our understanding of spirituality?

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Senseless - Adam Smith “An Explosion of Flavor” - 9.22.24

We all have foods we like and foods we hate. You’ve gotten into arguments about it before. There are certain meals you’d save up and drive across the country for. And there are other things you still wouldn’t eat even if you were starving. We’re obsessed with food. And so is Scripture. There’s so much talk of eating in the Bible—lists of foods you can’t have; of feasts you should throw; and fasts you should commit to. God rains bread from heaven. Jesus turns water into wine. A bite of an apple ruins the world. And before Christ went to the cross,
He insisted on inviting his friends over for one last supper. What is all this about? It’s got to be something more than just nutrients. Why does what, where, how, and with whom we eat carry so much relational and spiritual significance?

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Senseless - Adam Smith “Smells Like Teen Spirit” - 9.15.2

Ever been really excited to walk into a restaurant because of how good it smelled? Ever refused to walk into a public restroom because of how bad it smelled? Smells are signals. But they don’t just tell us what we’re about to walk into. They remind us of where we’ve come from and what we’ve been through. Almost every time Scripture prescribes a spiritual practice, it’s accompanied by a scent. There are all sorts of elaborate descriptions of fragrant oils & perfumes, and burning incense & animal fat. Why does God seem to care so much about this? And what can we learn from His reasoning? How might the scents we surround ourselves with shift our experiences and solidify our memories?

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Senseless - Adam Smith “I Heard That!” - 9.8.24

Ever been so distracted by the coffee shop conversations around you that you couldn’t think straight? Ever gotten so sucked into the energy of a loud crowd that it changed your mood? Ever decided you couldn’t be friends with someone when you found out what kind of music they liked? Maybe you can’t fall asleep without the gentle buzz of a fan by your side. Or maybe you didn’t notice the weird noise your car was making because you’re never not listening to a podcast. We’re surrounded by sound, but that doesn’t mean we hear it all. What might you be missing? Jesus famously said, “They that have ears should hear.” Sounds obvious. But He’s implying we ought to be listening for something specific. What? How can being more intentional about WHAT we hear change WHO we are for the better?

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Senseless - Adam Smith “Sight Gags” - 9.1.24

Ever look right at something but not see it? Maybe you didn’t know what you were looking at. Maybe you just couldn’t focus. Maybe your eyes were on it, but your mind was somewhere else. Ever looked at the same thing as someone else but saw something totally different? How we look at things changes what we see, and what we see changes what we do. So, the question is—What might you be missing? Scripture talks a lot about light, sight, visions, and blindness. How might taking its advice seriously open our eyes both physically & spiritually?

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The Thing Behind The Thing - Adam Smith “Stupid Chores & Sassy Prophets” - 8.25.24

Are you filled with ideas, dreams, and desire to make a lasting impact, but instead of making moves you’re stuck in your own head? Maybe you’re caught up in a daily grind that feels directionless or you’re exhausted because you can’t say no to opportunities that make you feel significant. Constantly searching for the right path or the perfect calling is a prime way to miss the good thing that’s right in front of you. Perhaps the secret to leaving a legacy is less about getting stuff done and more about finding joy in each day.

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The Thing Behind The Thing - Adam Smith “I Can Do Better” - 8.18.24

Are you your own worst critic? Constantly devaluing your own thoughts, words, and actions to avoid judgement and shame. Do you habitually compare yourself to others without even realizing? You probably have a knack for spotting untapped potential and value in others, but are you giving yourself the same opportunity to grow and evolve? Instead of striving for perfectionism, it’s times to consider that sharing your weaknesses without fear is your greatest opportunity for self-love.

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The Thing Behind The Thing - Adam Smith “It’s Just A Game” - 8.11.24

Do you ever feel like you’re helping everyone around you win, but you can’t ever seem to measure up? You work hard, achieve countless goals, and exude confidence, but deep down you wonder if people really see your talents and accomplishments. Maybe you grew up in a household where love felt like a prize to be won, and failure was a curse word. You might fear that all your sacrifices will never amount to something significant. But have you considered that true success might be less about getting the “W”, and more about how you handle the process, no matter the outcome?

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The Thing Behind The Thing - Adam Smith “Picked Last” - 8.4.24

We’ve all had moments where we feel like we don’t belong, but do you catch yourself consistently searching for acceptance? Do you feel alone, surround by people who love you? Are you constantly trying to morph into what you believe others want you to be? Author Brene Brown says, “True belonging doesn’t require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are.” Perhaps it’s time to consider that your “differences” aren’t an inconvenience, but a gift. And sharing them with the people in your life might provide the very closeness you so desire.

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The Thing Behind The Thing - Ozzie Vaca “Do You Even Love Me?” - 7.28.24

You want to make people happy. What’s wrong with that? Sure, when they’re not, you’re nervously convinced it’s probably your fault. Maybe you did something wrong or just didn’t so something right. You find yourself trying to anticipate the needs of others so you can meet them. It’s so obvious to you that everyone wants to be seen, heard and known. Why shouldn’t you do everything you can to make sure that’s true of the people around you? Most of the time you don’t mind, but it is exhausting. And you frequently find yourself over-committing, over-investing, and over-extending yourself. You just wish someone would do for you what you do for everyone else and wonder why they don’t. How do you love people well without feeling used, worn out, and taken advantage of? Is that even realistic? 

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The Thing Behind The Thing - Mariah Wells “Get Your Own“ - 7.21.24

You want to make people happy. What’s wrong with that? Sure, when they’re not, you’re nervously convinced it’s probably your fault. Maybe you did something wrong or just didn’t so something right. You find yourself trying to anticipate the needs of others so you can meet them. It’s so obvious to you that everyone wants to be seen, heard and known. Why shouldn’t you do everything you can to make sure that’s true of the people around you? Most of the time you don’t mind, but it is exhausting. And you frequently find yourself over-committing, over-investing, and over-extending yourself. You just wish someone would do for you what you do for everyone else and wonder why they don’t. How do you love people well without feeling used, worn out, and taken advantage of? Is that even realistic? 

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